New Look!

Hi fellow creatives! I’m working hard to freshen up the Art Prescription and my Etsy shop. It’s been too long!

I’ll be adding new art and pages along the way as I get used to navigating a new theme.

I’m featuring my latest horse painting on the home page. Hope to be doing more large works.

I’ll see you later today with a new blog post.

For now check out the new look of my Etsy shop!



Threatened Bird Project March 4, 2018

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I have a special treat for you today! I’ve been working with a group of young environmentalists to bring to life a body of kid’s art. Last summer these NC Kids painted their favorite NC threatened bird with my coaching.

Announcing The Threatened Bird Project Note Cards!! My company has produced this charming set of 12 note cards, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to our local Audubon chapter.

Please visit my Etsy shop to make your purchase to support the birds!

Also visit my NC Threatened Bird Project page right here on the Art Prescription!

Endangered birds back card

Winter Neutrals December 13, 2017

Dried flowers on stem

Hint, original color

Calm winter neutrals.

Art Prescription:  It was 22 degrees when I got to the farm this morning. Finn was happily eating hay, which is how horses keep warm in low temperatures. I had lots of layers and was comfortable, enjoying the bright winter sun. Later at home, I went for my usual walk and picked up a few beautiful things.

Winter collage.jpg